What is an Ideal Medical Practice?

The "ideal medical practice" model is focused on high-quality, patient-centered, collaborative care; unfettered access and continuity; and extreme efficiency.

It is designed to:

    • enhance doctor-patient relationships

    • increase face-to-face time between doctors and patients

    • reduce physician workloads

    • instill patients with a sense of responsibility for their health

    • cut wasted dollars from the healthcare system

It goes without saying that despite spending more money on our healthcare per capita than any other nation in the world, Americans are still not getting the personalized healthcare attention that we need to maintain optimum health. Patients feel rushed when they visit the doctor, and don't have enough time to fully address their health concerns. They repeat the same information to three or four different people, and are often left wondering where their healthcare dollars have gone. Patients want to be listened to and treated as a full partner in health care decision-making, rather than being run through the hamster wheel!

Physicians, too, have become disillusioned with the corporatization of medicine. They are unable to truly help their patients when forced into assembly-line medicine, seeing patients every 10-15 minutes in order to keep the office running. Doctors understand that comprehensive patient education is the key to good health, and long to have the time to really sit down with their patients and share important medical knowledge. When patients truly understand their bodies, they make informed, thoughtful decisions regarding their own care. This reduces unhelpful healthcare expenditures, reducing costs for the patient and the healthcare system as a whole.

Ideal Medical Practices make this dream a reality. By leveraging technological advances to increase efficiency and convenience, and reduce overhead expenses from unneeded space and extra staffing, physicians in Ideal Medical Practices can see fewer patients per day and spend more time with the patients they do see. They create long-lasting and trusting professional relationships with patients, helping them navigate a complex medical world. Because patients aren't packed into the schedule like sardines, same-day visits are generally available, and patients can be cared for in a timely and compassionate manner. This model treats both the Patient and the Physician with respect.

At Kaneland Allergy & Asthma Center, we accomplish these goals by utilizing carefully selected electronic medical records, creating a user-friendly online patient portal, keeping our space and staffing to a minimum, and breaking down barriers between our patients and Dr. Bajowala. If this sounds like the kind of medical care your family has been waiting for, please contact us. A healthy future awaits!